NACDS Applauds Pennsylvania E-prescribing Law to Help Prevent Opioid Abuse Seventy-six percent of Pennsylvania voters support e-prescribing requirement as fraud-and-abuse-prevention strategy

2018-10-25T12:30:13-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

The new law requires that all controlled substance prescriptions be electronically prescribed, with certain exceptions. Thirteen states now have enacted an NACDS-backed mandate. The signing of Pennsylvania's law occurred on the same day that a new federal law was signed by President Trump.

NACDS at White House to Mark “Historic Action” on Opioid Abuse Epidemic as President Signs Bill with NACDS Recommendations Legislation includes pharmacists’ insights from front lines of care; NACDS to remain focused on serving as part of the solution

2018-10-24T15:23:05-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

The event - titled “A Year of Historic Action to Combat the Opioid Crisis” - included President Trump's signing of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6).

NACDS Invited to White House Event to Commemorate “Historic Action” on Opioid Abuse Epidemic

2018-10-18T10:21:44-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

NACDS has been invited back to the White House for an event on Wednesday, October 24, that is titled “A Year of Historic Action to Combat the Opioid Crisis.” We also anticipate soon President Trump’s signing of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act – which reflects aspects of all four of the policy topics recommended by NACDS to help address opioid abuse.

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