NACDS Urges Clarity That Americans Maintain “PREP Act” Pharmacy Access Beyond Public Health Emergency

2023-02-13T08:54:34-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson issued the following statement, upon the release of a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Fact Sheet describing decision-making underway about implications of the May 11, 2023, expiration of the current Public Health Emergency (PHE).

NACDS Applauds Introduction of New Texas Bill Helping to Protect Patient Access to Pharmacy-Based Care Texans rank pharmacies as most accessible healthcare destination tested, and support policies that would continue to allow patient choice when it comes to accessing services

2023-01-11T11:35:45-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Texans rank pharmacies as most accessible healthcare destination tested, and support policies that would continue to allow patient choice when it comes to accessing services.

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